Adventist Muslim Relations is a new department that has proved a success and enlighten the remnant church in approach to the Muslim world. This has also helped the church in its worldwide mission of preaching the everlasting gospel to every nation, tribe and race in context of the three angels’ messages. Revelation14:6-12
Many of our beliefs can establish points of contacts with Muslims. Creation for instance, respect for the Old Testament, belief in second coming of Jesus Christ and the judgment day, things which the Muslims also believe in.
The department seeks to enhance positive relationship between the Adventist Church membership and the Muslim world with the purpose of building bridges of understanding for harmonize co-existence and sharing of God’s truth.
We envision our church members in areas with Muslim presence such as hostels, in classes, staff places etc. are mobilized and involved in establishing relations that will build bridges of understanding with the Muslims for the fulfilment of Church mission.
The AMR department involves various activities that explores areas of common understanding between Adventist and Muslims that bolster church interfaith outreach. Such activities involve
Seminars and conferences;
Seminars and conferences are held involving church members, Christians of other denominations to enhance training and understanding of Islam. Being a new department in the church, the department in conjunction with other nearby local churches has conducted well managed seminars with tremendous turnout of members. In the seminars and conferences the following values are uphold
1. Taking our rightful position as the people of the book who uphold the truth as stated in the Holy Bible.
2. Establishing common grounds with our Muslim friends that will enhance redemptive relationship.
3. That, we are called to prepare the world for the soon return of Jesus the Messiah
4. Endeavoring to share the truth as it is in the Bible with great humility and respect of other people’s cultural practices and beliefs.