Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Jomo Kenyatta University Seventh Day Adventist Church


Chaplaincy department


This department was formally introduced during the 2012-2013 spiritual year. Despite its tender age, necessary structures and strategies have been set up by the department to enable the church and the community to appreciate the essence of this ministry.


The chaplaincy ministries is a compassionate ministry whose mission is to minister spiritually to Adventist students and staff in public and private (non-Adventist) institutions of higher learning i.e. colleges and universities, inmates and staff, uniformed and armed forces of the government e.g. GSU, The Kenya Army, The Kenya Navy, The Kenya Police, The KWS, hospital staff and patients and staff in secondary schools.

This department is patterned after the lifework of our savior who sought to sympathize with fallen man in their troubles while ministering to their greater needs of spiritual nourishment.

In this mission, the department conducts rallies, seminars, trainings on spiritual leadership and nurture and bible understanding.


In harmony with the great prophecies of scripture and the wonderful counsel of the messenger to the remnant, we see an army of workers rightly trained and burning with zeal for service to God moving out with holy boldness and proclaiming with power the last message to a dying world. We see men and women, irrespective of age who having had an experience with Christ will in themselves have fountains of living waters. We indeed see the church of God moving forward; clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners!


The department is engaged in several activities such as:

- High school ministry in partnership with Nairobi Central SDA church and Newlife SDA church. The department is currently engaging schools such as Mang’u, Compuera, Kiambu, Juja and Chania and is always welcoming for more schools to add to the list.

- Hospital visitations in the University hospital. Currently the visitations are carried out every Wednesday evening by the Family glory mission group in partnership with other willing church members, the Adventist Men Organization also conduct hospital visitations on Sabbath evenings.

- Internal crusade which is an evangelistic effort meant mainly for the students in school, Adventists and non-Adventists alike.

- Intra-city outreach program. The church through the chaplaincy department sends out church members to various schools and churches for the intra-city Sabbath. On this specific Sabbath, all church members are encouraged to go out for outreach so that the church is virtually empty. Glad tidings and good reports have followed this worthy cause.

- Chaplaincy week of prayer. The department organizes a week of prayer for the church and tries to address key needs of the church through the talks delivered by the invited speakers.

-The department is tasked with handling unforeseen circumstances such as the death of members of their loved ones and the sickness of the same.

- The departments also co-operates with any other church department whenever need be. Such include the deaconry for member visitations and the nurturing department for hospital visitations.

Being a “young” department in the church, Chaplaincy has great prospects for the future. There is more than sufficient room for expansion and many new projects are coming up. As a department we welcome suggestions from members as to what undertakings we should be engaged in.

Among the many projects still in the making are partnership with a hospital outside the university, prison ministry, inclusion of Children’s homes into the outreach program just to mention but a few.


For this work of the salvation of men, the Lord has not chosen angels who have not fallen; but rather has preferred to enlist as His co-laborers erring mortals and to empower them to go forth and preach the word. Indeed it is true that even our Lord was made like unto one of us that He may be able to sympathize with every tried child of Adam and thus has He chosen men of like passions to work for their fellow men.

“The Lord calls for volunteers who will stand firmly on His side and will pledge themselves to unite with Jesus Christ in doing the very work that needs to be done now” (Fundamentals of Christian Education Pg 488)

The greatest want of the world of the world has always remained the want of men and so the Lord is on the look-out for men who will enlist in His army and propagate the work of God through the chaplaincy department. You are, therefore, requested to volunteer as a chaplain so as to help the department achieve its mission. May the Lord depend on you.